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The aging dog


When a dog gets older, sensory perception deteriorates. Not only does vision deteriorate, hearing and smell can also deteriorate.



True cataracts, as in old people, are also seen in dogs, for example. Due to a reduced oxygen uptake in the lens, metabolic disorders arise, leading to nutritional disorders of the lens. Because the lens allows less light to pass through, the vision of dogs with cataracts is limited.


Nuclear sclerosis:

Cataracts should not be confused with nuclear sclerosis. In older dogs, the lens can show a blue glow that is strongly reminiscent of cataracts. This is not a cataract, but is part of a normal aging process of the lens, whereby a compression occurs in the center of the lens as a result of age. This is a normal physiological change. It must of course be taken into account that an old dog can see, hear and smell less well. Therefore, do not change the environment and make sure that the eating, drinking and sleeping place for the dog is always easy to find and accessible. When the sight and hearing are poor, the dog can also startle more and become more affectionate. A dog that no longer hears and / or sees properly should therefore always be approached calmly to avoid fear as much as possible. Smell also plays a major role during eating. After all, a nice smelling meal stimulates the appetite.


Old-age osteoarthritis:

Old dogs generally suffer from aging osteoarthritis. The joints can be painful as a result of which the dog no longer likes to move and remains in the basket. Fortunately, something can be done about this. For example, a bed with a low entry can be pleasant for the dog. Dietary supplements based on glucosamines and chondroitin sulfate can also repair joint tissue and keep it healthy, while omega-3 fatty acids can slow down inflammation. Most dogs with severe complaints of osteoarthritis of the age, however, mainly benefit from good pain management. This means that the dog is given painkillers for a longer period to improve the quality of life.


Body weight:

Around the age of 6 to 9 years, the risk of overweight increases, while after the age of 11 years underweight is seen more often again.


Health issues:

Some health problems are more commonly seen in the older dog, such as heart failure, kidney disease and cancer, among others.


Senior nutrition:

Most older dogs benefit from a senior diet. But how does a senior diet differ from normal diets and what are the benefits?


Less calories:

The risk of obesity increases around the age of 6 to 9 years. It is therefore wise to keep a close eye on the weight of your dog around this age and to intervene in time to prevent obesity. A senior diet contains a lower fat content and therefore fewer calories than a normal diet. It therefore contributes to the prevention of obesity later in life. That is why CHAMP DOGFOOD does not use chicken as a meat source in their Senior & Light product. With sophisticated nutrients we may even call the product Light.


Increased fiber content:

Good senior food has an increased fiber content. Complaints of constipation are more common in older dogs. The increased fiber content ensures good bowel movements and therefore reduces the risk of constipation.


Reduced in phosphorus and salt:

All dogs suffer damage to the kidney tissue during their lifetime. This does not necessarily mean that every old dog will become a kidney patient. Only when 66% of the kidney tissue is damaged will problems arise. However, it does mean that in old dogs the kidney function is still reduced without the presence of kidney disease. It is therefore useful to provide a diet with a low salt and phosphorus content in order to keep healthy kidney tissue vital and relieve stress. In addition, a low-salt diet also relieves the elderly heart. This is also helpful as older dogs often have a reduced function of the heart valves.


When should I start feeding my dog ​​a senior food?

Usually the general advice is to start a senior diet from the age of 7 years. We do not agree with this, but we think it is important not only to look at age when it comes to senior nutrition. Larger dog breeds age faster than smaller dog breeds.

When your dog moves less. If he needs to urinate more often or if he is gaining weight, your dog is Senior.

However, it remains important to include the health of the dog in the nutritional choice. In some situations, it is better not to feed an old dog senior. From the age of 11, underweight is seen more often again.


Chunks or tin?

In fact, both dry and wet foods for older dogs are fine. However, if your dog eats both foods well, we recommend chunks over canned food. This is because canned food promotes the formation of dental plaque, and therefore dental problems

Champ Senior & Light is special food for older dogs. What's good to give Champ Senior?


1) Chunks are slightly smaller and more oval in shape.

2) The meat source has been adjusted from chicken to turkey, so less fat, so that it is also a Light product.

3) Protein content has been adjusted down to 20%

4) Fish has been added, which gives the coat support and the dog now also receives omega 9 in addition to omega 3, 6

5) The vitamin content of Vitamina A has been further increased to 20,000 IE / kg. This benefits eyesight.



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